Suet Bird Feeders

Did you know that birds LOVE to eat suet? Suet is made of meat fat and is a great addition to a wild bird diet. You place the suet into suet bird feeders and place them in your yard to attract songbirds year round.

Feeding suet to wild birds has many health benefits:

  • Increased energy
  • Replenishes depleted nutrients
  • Keeps birds warm in cold weather
  • Helps nesting birds during the Spring

If you are a meat eater then you already produce excess meat fat that can be used to feed wild birds.

Suet bird feeders are very popular and can be found at most any hardware store, garden store and some grocery stores.

There are many styles to choose from:

  • Standard 5×5 cage with chain for hanging
  • Double suet cage that holds 2 suet cakes
  • Suet cages with a second cage wrapped around the inner cage to keep out squirrels and racoons
  • Suet cages attached to bird seed feeders

When cooking meat for a meal, just drain off the excess fat into a You Do It Suet® silicone mold, mix in some bird seed, nuts and fruits. Freeze. Then release the suet cake from the suet mold and place into your suet bird feeders. Your neighborhood birds will be very happy and you will too!

Depending on the type of weather we have over 20 FREE suet cake recipes on our website that can be helpful when creating suet cakes for your suet bird feeders.


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