Hamburger, Carrots, Potatoes OH MY!

“It’s like your cooking for the birds and yourself.” – Stella Cole

This is the perfect Fall dinner dish.  Made using simple ingredients that are very common in most every kitchen.  Using ground beef, baby carrots, russet potatoes and simple seasonings, this is the perfect family dinner meal.

What you need

1 LB 80/20 Ground Beef
2 Cups Baby Carrots
5 Russet Potatoes
4 TBSP Butter
Season All Seasoning Salt
Salt & Pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Start by browning the ground beef in a pan. As you need to, pour of the beef grease into your You Do It Suet® mold. Start boiling 2 pots of water. Chop the baby carrots into thirds and boil for 15 minutes, or until fork tender.  Chop the potatoes into quarters, add to boiling water and cook for 15 minutes, or until fork tender.  Once the ground beef is cooked through, add Season All Seasoning Salt to taste. Pour the ground beef mixture into a medium sized baking pan.  Blend the carrots with 2 TBSP butter and a dash of salt & pepper until smooth.  Top the ground beef with the carrots.  Blend the potatoes with 2 TBSP butter and a dash of salt & pepper until smooth.  Top the carrots with the potatoes. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

While your meal is baking, add ingredients to your You Do It Suet, suet cake recipes can be found here.



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