You Do It Suet® – Single
1 – You Do It Suet® Food Safe Silicone Mold
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About You Do It Suet®
You Do It Suet® is a 100% silicone mold that is food safe and dishwasher safe. The You Do It Suet® mold is used to make a suet cake using excess grease from cooking meat. Acceptable fats: Beef, Pork and Chicken.
When cooking a meal just pour off the excess fat into the You Do It Suet® mold, add ingredients, mix, freeze and feed the birds. Rather than putting your grease down the drain or in the trash, feed the birds instead. Wild birds need the extra fat to keep them warm during the cold months.
You Do It Suet® is family friendly and can be used with kids and grandkids. Once you have poured your excess fat into the You Do It Suet® mold, have the kids pick out ingredients and mix them together. The kids can also release the suet cake from the mold and place the suet cake into a suet cage and watch the birds enjoy a tasty treat!