How To, DIY & Educational Videos

We are very excited to have DIY and How To videos available to you. New videos are added regularly, so be sure to follow our YouTube page and check back here for new ones. All videos are created by the You Do It Suet team consisting of: Stella & Sophia (sisters and daughters), Desiree & Josiah (owners & parents). We have fun creating suet cakes and we enjoy showing YOU how to do the same. Creating a suet cake is a family friendly project and is a great learning experience for all who participate. Teaching about wild birds, what they like to eat, where they live, why they do the things they do and why they are an important part of our World.

Anatomy of a You Do It Suet®

Creating a You Do It Suet® Cake – Step by Step

Creating a Berry Pink You Do It Suet® Cake

You Do It Suet® – Make a Pumpkin Bird Feeder

You Do It Suet® – Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Bird Banding with Master Bander James Junda


Listen to our jingle